time's up

figuring out who should buy your business

Author: Chris Bond

Shoot, Sorry – I Left My Wallet at Home

Scott Galloway believes financial security is just a means to an end, specifically “the time and resources to focus on relationships without economic stress.” In The Algebra of Wealth, the NYU Stern School of Business professor instructs that this is an achievable goal with one measly string attached: it. happens. slowly. Fans of the prince of all media know well…

Beach Reads: Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

Sound the vacation alarm and load up your bags, mate! And should you be in need of something to read this summer, below are a bunch of non-business books I’ve recently enjoyed. Half are fiction, the other half non-, and a few are truly great. For my 8th annual beach reads edition, here are eight selections for your consideration: Outlive,…

Ready. Ready. Ready. Ready. Aim. Fire.

I’m confident anyone reading these words has made a presentation that went sideways. Hey, nothing personal but surely – like me – you’ve bombed before. Terri Sjodin is here to help with her brand new book, Presentation Ready. She invites us to “think of it as a checkup with 12 painless remedies of preventative or curative medicine” and the diagnostics…

Do These Pants Make Me Look Thoughtless?

Everything you ever wanted to know about apparel manufacturing but were afraid to ask can be found in Steven Kurutz’s American Flannel. Yet you’d be forgiven for not wanting to be exposed to any of the facts reported therein. How over the past four decades, we’ve gone from about 70% of what we wear being made in the US to…

Skulking Around the Hedge Fund

“The great thing about Bridgewater stories is I never have to exaggerate a single thing for it to be totally insane.” -Anon. Here’s to the inside sources, tipsters, and whistleblowers who helped make The Fund by Rob Copeland possible. The above quote is from the Acknowledgements, and it captures what we learn over the preceding 300 pages: Bridgewater Associates, aka…