It all started with a raucous, drunken conversation. Throwing back cocktails one evening with two close friends, Alisha Fernandez Miranda started dreaming aloud about different careers she’d like to explore. Egged on, she eventually put her duties as London-based consultancy CEO and on-call mother on hold to pursue internships, and the result is the entertaining and informative My What If…
Author: Chris Bond
A Sucker’s Bet for Easy Money
“I was the perfect target for an MLM, which preys on the cultural epidemic of isolation.” So confesses Emily Lynn Paulson, author of the exposé Hey, Hun. Now, if you’re lucky enough to not know of what she speaks, it’s multilevel marketing, and bully for you for never having brushed up against such a societal scourge. Call it direct selling, network marketing,…
I’m Gonna Need You to Go Ahead and Come In Tomorrow
The theme of Michael Bungay Stanier’s new book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone is building what he calls the Best Possible Relationship (BPR), be that with a boss, subordinate, colleague, or client. “Most working relationships aren’t disastrous,” he writes, “but every working relationship has its share of hurts and misunderstandings and frustrations.” Surely we agree that Shirley from sales…
Say Cheeeeese!
Scraped – ouch. Our faces have been scraped off the internet more often than we likely realize, even those of us who are camera shy and loathe selfie culture. Why? Because there’s value in tracking our movements and whereabouts, silly. Facial recognition – pre-regulation, anyway – is a lucrative industry and yet controversial as all get out, with Google and…
Keeping It Together… Kinda
Pop quiz, hot shot: think of your favorite business book and distill the description of it down to a couple of words. (Might be a raucous way to liven up your next dinner party, no?) I’d boil down Burn Rate to “willful ignorance.” Author Andy Dunn, erstwhile CEO of Bonobos, practiced this over most of the decade following the launch…