time's up

figuring out who should buy your business

Author: Chris Bond

Book Report – Jump-Starting America by Jonathan Gruber & Simon Johnson

They don’t make ’em like that anymore. Now there’s a statement that typically generates one of two reactions: either an “Okay, Boomer” eye-roll or a constructive debate. In Jump-Starting America, co-authors (and fellow MIT economics professors) Jonathan Gruber & Simon Johnson instruct on how the post-World War II collaboration between the federal government, universities, and the private business sector sparked…

Book Report – The Responsible Company by Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanley

“Every company is already at work,” write Yvon Chouinard & Vincent Stanley in The Responsible Company, “to dismantle a creaky, polluting, wasteful, and increasingly expensive industrial system.” Here’s hoping! Naturally some are trying harder than others, like Patagonia which Chouinard founded with his trusty co-author by his side. Their book is a slim, spirited guide to doing the right thing,…

Book Report – Pharma by Gerald Posner

On the same day I prepared to review Pharma by Gerald Posner, I tested positive for COVID-19 (or what the wittiest among us call Corona). Figure I had it coming for one of three reasons: too few “Hope you’re staying well during these unprecedented times!” messages in the inbox to ward it off; too much belief that plagues miraculously disappear…